Wish List
Barn and horse supplies
Security Cameras for Drive and Barns
Building and Fencing Materials, Gates
Stall cleaning equipment: muck forks, muck buckets, shavings
Stall mats
Sand and Gravel for Drive and Arena
Lumber and Posts to Repair Outdoor Arena
Tack: Halters, Leads, Saddles, Pads, Bareback Pads, Bits, Bridles, Carts, Harnesses
Grain, Corn Oil, Beet Pulp, Horse Treats
Good Training Videos
Fly Spray, Masks and Boots
Veterinary Supplies and Medications
Wormer: Daily Wormer, Safeguard, Ivermectin, Panacur
Equine antibiotics, pain control aids, penicillin, supplements
Syringes and Needles, Sterile Gauze, Extra Absorbent Square Pads, Vet Wrap, Triple Antibiotic Cream
Office Supplies
8x11 Copy Paper
File Folders
Non-equine Items Gladly Accepted to be Raffled Off to Help Fund the Non-profit 501(c)(3) Equine Rescue
To donate any of the above items, please contact us at 308-293-5654.