History of Epona
The story of Gus, the horse that started it all. In the fall of 2002 my husband said, "Honey, I want to buy you a horse." I searched the internet and stumbled upon a website for a rescue in North Dakota, Sleipnir Horse Sanctuary, Inc. I selected a very pretty filly but kept looking at a photo of Gus and at the last minute, changed from the filly to a baby listed as GustaS. It took two months to work out adoption and transport and get my baby home! He stepped off the trailer on March 14th, 2003 and I fell in love. The fuzzy scared little boy looked more like a yak than a horse. He was terrified, unhanded, still a stud colt and full of 10-month-old attitude. The first three weeks were filled with trial and error, learning to trust and, of course, getting gelded. Gus blossomed and on his first birthday was a stunning young horse.
Six months later, he was growing, learning and a stunning red dun color. He was going to be a big boy. At 15 months, he was already 14.2 hands. He learned quickly and accepted all training willingly.
I had learned the horrible fate of many unwanted horses. This knowledge and a desire to make a differnece led to the opening of Epona Horse Rescue in the Spring of 2004. The next few months flew my job and the ability to provide for the horses at the rescue. By December, a decision was made that Gus would be sold. He was a stunning, beautiful gelding and I said goodbye to my baby to care for the rescue horses. Gus left my life in December of 2004. Heartbroken, I knew the right decision had been made and we now could continue the care of the horses in the rescue. Fast forwarding to April 2011, while stopping at the local feed store, I came across a flier of a horse for sale. He seemed so familiar, but how could it be? Gus lived 150 miles away, but I had to call. It was a nice young man and he had owned his big red dun quarter horse for five years... his name... Gus. A miracle, a once in a lifetime, due to kind friends, Gus came home that night and is forever home. He came with his personal goat, Gertie, his faithful companion of the last five years, together they roam the 10 acre pasture with the other horses of Epona Horse Rescue.

Gus at 15 months old

Gus at 1 year old

Gus at 2 years old

Saying Hello for the first time in six years
Gus home safe and sound